Russian Salon: Ages & Stages

We begin with Mussorgksy’s visionary Nursery cycle, in which the composer attempts to musically embody the stilted charm of a child’s patter, feelings and thoughts. We end with Shostakovich’s Suite on Verses of Michelangelo Buonarroti which captures the infamous sculptor and painter’s yearning to live longer, love better and continue creating art. Composed one year before his death in 1975, Shostakovich sets these words to music as he contemplates his own death. Join us as we embark on a musical journey of life’s ages and stages.

Tyler DUNCAN, baritone
Lara DODDS-EDEN, piano
Julie HEREISH, cello
Sheila JAFFÉ, violin
Inna PERKIS, piano
Boris ZARANKIN, piano
Ilana ZARANKIN, soprano